Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Ok so let's start with the bad news... I'm not sending any pictures this week becasue I don't have any pictues to send... actually I don't have any pictures at all! Today I was trying to change a setting on my camera and I accidentally erased ALL the pictures on my memory card! Almost 500 pictures! Its was all the pictures from two weeks before I left with my friends and pictures of the family and all the pictures that I've taken so far on the mission! I lost it! I was soooooo mad! But, what do you do. haha there's nothing I can do about it now. But a lot of the pictures that liked a lot I already sent to you, and I think you have been putting them on my blog. So if you wouldn't mind, it would be awesome if you could save all the picutes on my blog onto a cd or a flash drive or something and send it to me so I can put them back on my camera. THanks

Also, I hope that you havent sent measuring cups yet... There is a store in our area called Pão de Açucar that sells a ton of American stuff and I found measuring cups and the measuring cups for tbs and tsp. IT was kinda expensive... like 24 reais. But i figured it was faster and cheaper than waiting for you to send them to me. Also that store has American milk! (or milk that comes from a cow) Here the milk is so nasty and it just sits in a box on the shelves for like a year and its still good. And ive been longing for that good old whole milk that has to be refriderated and expires quickly. And I found it! Its sooooooo Good!!!!

My tennis shoes that I brought where already old and they are falling apart, so we went to the mall today and I bought some sweet shoes that were only 60 reais. Today ill get to try them out when I get completely embarassed again playing with the kids in the ward! There is 4 young men in this ward that play and the junior team of the pro teams here in São Paulo. They are rediculously good! But its super fun, im learning how to play from the best!

So the Brazilian mail system is terrible. This week I got 3 letters... 1 was sent in the beginning of December, the other was the beginning of January, and the other in the beginning of Feburuary. So If anyone has sent a letter and they have been waiting forever for a response, its probably because I havent gottten it yet. haha

Yesterday was so sweet. So When new missionaries get here, they arrive in the mission office the day before transfers and have trainings and lunch with the president and then at night they go and do visits with the elders that work in areas close to the office and then they go back to the office after and have pizza. Well guess what! Im one of those elders that works close to the office. So I worked with a new American and it was super fun! It was fun to see how much ive progressed becasue it was just 6 months ago that I was in his position. But something super cool - He was in the provo mtc, and he was in the same district as Chris Dellrie! Its funny how small the world is sometimes!

Today was transfers and me and my companion are going to stay for at least 6 more weeks! Which im super excited about! THis area is awesome! Today for breakfast I had a sasuage egg mcmuffin from McDonalds! It was awesome!!!!

Also I saw this sweet DVD calle "Reflections of Christ" by Mark Mabry. Its this american photographer that took pictures of events in the new testiment using people and its just a slideshow with music. Its super awesome and super powerful. I was sondering if you could try and find it and send it to me. Thanks!

Thanks for all the love and support!
Elder Schoen

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