Wednesday, June 9, 2010


We went to the center again today, and this was at the top of the tallest building in Brazil.

This is a picture of my area. Ive been here for almost 4 months and its about time I sent of picture.

Just having fun!

This desert is called Brigadeiro. Its the best ever! And its super easy to make. So when I get home and make some and you can be as happy as I was in that moment!


So this week was really good and went by extremely fast! I can't believe that its already June!!! WOW!!!!

Ok so I have a funny story... I need to start off explaining about the Brazilian sense of humor. They love jokes about mother inlaws. There is like 10 billion jokes about how mother inlaws are so terrible. ... So anyways back to the story... This week I did a division and in the other area that I went to we went to teach a lady that they have been teaching for along time. Her husband hates mormons and never ever ever talks to the missionaries. So when I got there he was there in the living room so I decided to try and start a conversation with him, we started talking because he has visited Las Vegas and he loves the place. So we talked about Vegas for a little while, then he left the room and we taught his wife. (Just to discribe this man, he is fat and angry and has white hair, and a beard, he looks like a member of hells angels just without tattoos.) Ok so anyways after the lesson with his wife, she made us dinner and we were sitted eating dinner and her husband sat down at the table and looked at us and said..." So I heard that your church practices Polygamy...I read it on the internet" And so we explained to him really well about how the church used to but doesn't anymore. Then he looked at us really seriously and said "Do you know what the condemnation that awaits people that practice polygamy is?" And at that moment i wanted to pee my pants, cause he is a really scary man. Then i said " No, what is it?" and he relpied " They have to have multiple mother inlaws!" It was so funny cause it was the absolute last thing I was expecting him to say!!!

Also this week while knocking doors we came across two teenage boys sitting in their driveway with a 3 foot tall bong. And we told them how we are representatives of Jesus Christ and asked if we could enter and leave a message with them. And one of them just looked at me and blew out smoke and was like "i dont know, we´re kinda busy right now, do you think you could come back another day" ...It was pretty funny, and something that you dont see everyday! haha

Other than that things are going well, we are teaching alot and seeing success! Im lovin' life!

Well thats about it! Thanks for all the support from everyone!
Elder Schoen

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